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Giáo sư Hoàng Như Mai: Người thầy mẫu mực, nhân từ…

(Dân trí) - Mẫu mực và nhân từ! Đó là ấn tượng cho bất kỳ ai từng vinh hạnh được học với Giáo sư Hoàng Như Mai - NGƯT Nguyễn Ngọc Ký đã mở đầu tâm sự của mình trong một cuốn tự truyện…
 >> “Thương tiếc Giáo sư Hoàng Như Mai, nhà nghệ sĩ trên bục giảng!”

Và đây cũng là tình cảm mà học trò Nguyễn Ngọc Ký đã chia sẻ với PV Dân trí khi được biết người thầy yêu quý của mình vừa đi vào cõi vĩnh hằng! 

Mỗi tiết lên lớp của thầy là một niềm mong đợi, khát khao. Mỗi bài giảng của thầy là một kho kiến thức rộng lớn đầy khám phá, mới mẻ, cuốn hút. Thế nhưng, điều háo hức, tâm đắc và ấn tượng ở mỗi sinh viên khi được  học thầy không chỉ ở chỗ được truyền những kiến thức quý giá ấy mà còn luôn được “truyền lửa” trong mỗi lời giảng của thầy. Giọng thầy lúc nào cũng sang sảng vang ngân, nồng ấm - NGƯT Nguyễn Ngọc Ký nhớ lại.

Thầy còn chinh phục lũ sinh viên chúng tôi bằng sự thân thiện cởi mở không chỉ trong lời giảng mà còn trong rừng cử chỉ, trong những xúc cảm phô bày nơi khóe miệng luôn thường trực nụ cười, nơi  ánh mắt luôn dạt dào niềm trìu mến cảm thông.

Người ta thường nghĩ giảng viên đại học xưa nay mỗi khi lên lớp chỉ quan tâm  việc truyền bá kiến thức chứ rất hiếm ai quan tâm đến học trò. Nhiều thầy dạy cả học phần dài vẫn không hề biết tên một trò nào. Với GS Hoàng Như Mai, điều này hoàn toàn ngược lại. Tiếp xúc với thầy khi ngồi ở lớp hay khi giao tiếp gặp gỡ thường ngày, dù  biết sự cách biệt  giữa thầy với mình tới một hai thế hệ nhưng ai cũng cảm thấy nồng đượm sự trân trọng ấm áp, thân thương, gần gũi như không hề có khoảng cách…

Tiết dạy đầu tiên thầy đến với lớp tôi - khi ấy là một căn nhà đơn sơ, lợp tranh nứa, trông như một lô cốt nằm thu mình dưới chân núi Tràng Dương (là nơi trường Đại học Tổng hợp ngày đó đi sơ tán thuộc Đại Tứ, Thái Nguyên), vào một sáng đầu đông, khi những đợt gió lạnh đầu mùa vừa tràn về... Tôi nhớ mãi khi giảng bài thơ Đồng chí của Chính Hữu, thầy đã dạy chúng tôi bài học sống động về sức mạnh của lý tưởng và tình cảm “Đấy các anh chị thấy không, một khi có lý tưởng sống cao đẹp, có tình bạn, tình đồng chí chân chính người ta vẫn có quyền thăng hoa ngay cả những lúc thưởng chừng chỉ có nước mắt…

…Dường như chính trong gian khó, con người trở nên tốt hơn, đẹp hơn, dễ thông cảm, thương yêu gắn bó với nhau hơn. Và dường như cũng trong gian khó con người trở nên lãng mạn hơn, lung linh những giá trị thẩm mỹ kỳ diệu bất ngờ hơn… Đó chính là hình ảnh “đầu súng trăng treo”. Và tôi rất mong và tin nơi đầu ngọn bút của các anh chị cũng luôn treo những vầng trăng như vậy. Song để có được những vầng trăng ở đầu ngọn bút của mình thì trước hết mỗi chúng ta  phải luôn có vầng trăng ấy trong mỗi trái tim…” - Bằng cách nào đó thật tài tình, thầy Hoàng Như Mai đã “dẫn dắt” để một bài giảng không chỉ dừng lại ở việc trang bị  kiến thức mà thầy còn “xây dựng” tâm hồn, nhân cách và tiếp lửa cho lũ sinh viên chúng tôi ngày ấy… - NGƯT Nguyễn Ngọc Ký nhớ lại.

Tôi còn cảm tưởng trong thầy lúc nào cũng thường trực những tình cảm đặc biệt dành cho tôi. Cứ có cơ hội là thầy sẽ biểu hiện nó bằng những việc làm, bằng lời động viên chân tình, sâu đậm bất ngờ! GS Hoàng Như Mai không chỉ quan tâm, lo lắng và theo sát nâng đỡ từng bước đi của tôi trong suốt bốn năm học đại học mà trong suốt những năm sau đó, khi tôi đã ra trường, hầu như thầy vẫn luôn “song hành”, chia sẻ và giúp đỡ tôi vượt qua bao thử thách, “thác ghềnh” của phận người...

Và phải chăng vì thế, từ đó đến nay, mỗi khi có niềm vui lớn, mỗi khi gặp trắc trở tôi đều đến thăm thầy để tâm sự, giãi bày. Mỗi lần như vậy là mỗi lần tôi lại cảm thấy mình vui thêm, tự tin thêm và khỏe mạnh thêm mọi nhẽ. Dù ở độ độ tuổi 90,  mái tóc đã trắng xóa màu mây phấn, bước đi đã chậm chạp song nhiệt huyết của thầy dành cho sự nghiệp giáo dục, với cuộc đời… dường như vẫn sung sức, trẻ trung, nồng thắm như ngày nào. Thầy vẫn luôn là niềm tự hào là bài học sống cho chúng tôi, cho cuộc đời hôm qua, hôm nay và mãi mãi! - NGƯT Nguyễn Ngọc Ký ngậm ngùi xen lẫn tự hào khi nói về GS Hoàng Như Mai - người thầy mình suốt đời chịu ơn.

“Vỹ thanh” bài viết, xin được trích nguyên văn đoạn kết của NGƯT Nguyễn Ngọc Ký trong tự truyện của mình khi nhớ về những kỷ niệm với GS Hoàng Như Mai: “Khi tôi đang ngồi viết những dòng kỷ niệm không thể quên này về thầy, thì nghe ngoài phố có tiếng trẻ ồn ào náo động. Tôi mở cửa sổ nhìn ra mới biết hôm nay là Trung thu, các cháu nhỏ trong khu phố tôi đang cùng nhau chơi rước đèn. Tôi bất chợt nhận ra nơi khung trời xanh cao vời vợi kia một vầng trăng non vạnh sáng trong như chưa bao giờ sáng và đẹp đến thế. Tôi lịm đi trong giây lát và miên man với suy nghĩ tôi đang lạc vào giữa dòng sông trăng huyền ảo kia, dòng sông trăng tấm lòng thầy tôi - Giáo sư Hoàng Như Mai - Nhà giáo Nhân dân Hoàng Như Mai muôn vàn kính yêu của tôi”.

Giáo sư - Nhà giáo Nhân dân Hoàng Như Mai sinh ngày 3/8 năm Kỷ Mùi 1919 (tức 26/9/1919) tại phủ Lạng Thương, tỉnh Bắc Giang, quê quán tại thôn Nội Am, xã Liên Ninh, huyện Thanh Trì, Hà Nội. Thầy xuất thân trong một gia đình trí thức quý tộc quan lại cao cấp.

Trước Cách mạng Tháng Tám, Giáo sư Hoàng Như Mai học ĐH Y khoa, ĐH Luật. Thầy đến với nghề giáo bắt đầu bằng sự nể nang bạn bè nên dạy giúp môn văn học Việt Nam và Văn học Pháp ở Trường Trung học tư thục Đông Hải ở thị xã Hải Dương năm 1943. Trong kháng chiến chống Pháp, thầy được Tỉnh hội Việt Minh tỉnh Thái Bình cử làm hiệu trưởng Trường Trung học Chuyên khoa tư thục Phan Thanh.

Năm 1950, thầy cùng đồng nghiệp xây dựng thành công Trường Sư phạm Việt Bắc và đã từng đưa các giáo sinh của trường sang học ở Nam Ninh, Quảng Tây (Trung Quốc). Sau đó, thầy đảm nhiệm nhiều nhiệm vụ: giảng dạy, nghiên cứu và lãnh đạo ở Trường Sư phạm trung cấp Trung ương (Trường Đại học Tổng hợp Hà Nội). Với giáo trình Văn học Việt Nam từ 1945 đến 1960, thầy đã đặt những viên gạch đầu tiên cho việc nghiên cứu văn học Việt Nam sau Cách mạng Tháng Tám. Đến năm 1980 thầy về dạy ở Khoa Ngữ văn Trường Đại học Tổng hợp TPHCM (nay là Trường ĐH KHXH-NV thuộc ĐH Quốc gia TPHCM).

Từ năm 1997, GS Hoàng Như Mai làm hiệu trưởng Trường trung học phổ thông tư thục Trương Vĩnh Ký, TPHCM. Đồng thời, thầy cũng là người sáng lập trường Đại học dân lập Văn Hiến. Từ năm 1988, thầy chính là người sáng lập Hội Nghiên cứu và giảng dạy văn học TPHCM và đã được hội tín nhiệm cử làm chủ tịch từ đó đến nay.

Ngoài nghề dạy học, GS Hoàng Như Mai còn viết nhiều cuốn sách có giá trị cùng hàng nghìn bài báo, nhiều tác phẩm thơ, văn, kịch có tiếng. Các quyển sách như: Thặng dư giá trị, Đời sống thợ thuyền trong xã hội tư bản, Lênin và Cách mạng Tháng 10… cho tủ sách Vỡ lòng của Nhà xuất bản Hàn Thuyên. Tác phẩm: Tiếng trống Hà Hồi (kịch, 1948), Dòng sông biên giới (kịch, viết 1957, xuất bản 2001), Vẽ chân dung cụ Đồ Chiểu (kịch, viết 1982, xuất bản 2001), Trao cho nhau cuộc đời (thơ, 1993). Tác phẩm nghiên cứu gồm: Văn học Việt Nam hiện đại (NXB Giáo Dục, 1961), Trần Hữu Trang - soạn giả ca kịch cải lương (1982), Nhà soạn kịch cải lương Trần Hữu Trang (1986), Nhận định về cải lương (1986), Giới thiệu sân khấu cải lương (1986), Thơ một thời (1989), Hoàng Như Mai tuyển tập (NXB Giáo Dục, 2005).

Năm 1982, thầy được phong học hàm giáo sư, năm 1988 thầy được phong danh hiệu nhà giáo ưu tú, năm 1990 thầy được phong danh hiệu nhà giáo nhân dân (NGND) và được Nhà nước tặng thưởng Huân chương Lao động hạng Nhất. 65 năm gắn bó với nghề giáo, GS Hoàng Như Mai có rất nhiều học trò, trong đó có nhiều người đã thành danh, giữ những vị trí quan trọng trong bộ máy Nhà nước.

Tháng 9/2013, GS Hoàng Như Mai bị tai nạn và điều trị tại Bệnh viện 175 TPHCM. Sau thời gian điều trị, GS-NGND Hoàng Như Mai đã qua đời lúc 15 giờ 20 ngày 27/9, hưởng thọ 95 tuổi.

Lễ khâm liệm tiễn đưa GS-NGND Hoàng Như Mai tiến hành lúc 11g ngày 28/9 tại Bệnh viện 175 (TPHCM). Sau đó, 6g ngày 29/9, gia đình sẽ đưa linh cữu giáo sư về nhà tang lễ TPHCM. Lễ viếng bắt đầu từ 8g ngày 29/9. Lễ truy điệu: 7g30 ngày 1/10.

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Johntqo ( 7:32:13 CH
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Watsonfcc ( 11:00:41 SA
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Chengikr ( 12:11:00 CH review
Let your users import their favourite pictures and videos from Instagram and show them in their dating profiles. They have quite a lot of options and instruments available, however what makes it such a strong dating web site is how many users they've. We don't tolerate any type of inappropriate habits and have strict usage pointers, as well as an intensive listing of safety features to ensure that you've the very best dating experience with us. No, as a result of the perfect-written songs do nicely on TikTok naturally. Whenever you fill out your profile well and have reasonable expectations, you may assume you will get to speak with interesting people and possibly meet an acceptable accomplice. After about six weeks, Marcelo stated he had been mugged in Turkey and was unable to pay his workers before returning to the UK, when he and Nancy were due to meet. Then, after six months, I went to the studio and recorded three songs and certainly one of them was Caught Within the Center. The court docket heard that over the course of two months, the victim handed over £7,333 to Goss. Relying on the subscription time period you choose, your membership can last for one week, one month, three months, six months or 12 months. I might already made six or seven songs with buddies, simply messing round - but I needed to get more skilled, so I'd observe singing workout routines day-after-day in my automobile for an hour and a half. His calls for ultimately elevated to about £150 a day. What introduced you again to music after modelling and performing? Properly, again in 2020, not a variety of artists were utilizing TikTok in creative ways to advertise their music. In the event you want some assist, have a good friend critique your profile, or submit it in a forum like /r/okcupid (or no matter site you're utilizing). I need one individual to be the goalie and one individual to be the forward. But meeting in particular person was at all times a problem. These companies compile the info from temporary encounters between daters after which inform every attendee of the results, permitting fascinated parties that scored a "match" to pursue another meeting with one another. A man has been jailed for blackmailing a lady out of her life financial savings after assembly her on a dating app. The updated mobile app is rolling out now. The pair met on a dating app in July last year but didn't form a relationship and as an alternative grew to become associates. 1,000 new online dating services opening yearly. Matchmaking services can value hundreds of dollars, while typical dating-site fees average between $20 and $30 per thirty days. Many individuals assume that only lonely or [url=]qpid network[/url] strange adults use these companies. In an impact statement she informed the court she had felt she needed to ship money to maintain violent folks away from her residence and was left so frightened she didn't need to go to work. The court docket heard Goss was a gambler and cocaine addict who wanted the money to pay off drug dealers. It was simply actually cool to attempt quite a bit of different stuff with that cash. I do not know if I will be able to hit it, however I will attempt my hardest. For me, I do know that I wasn't ok again then. If you’re 35, your highschool yearbook photograph isn’t a superb choice. If you’re in Canada, eharmony is the primary site I'd join. In the history of the existence of the universe, I made the primary music referred to as We'd Have Cute Kids, and I'm tremendous-proud about that. What's it going to be like, the primary time you walk out on stage and play these songs to an audience? “You can do it in a nice manner, like, ‘Oh great! TikTok has been great at producing one-off hits, however numerous creators find it arduous to observe up that success. Do you're feeling TikTok encourages folks to put in writing songs with "punchlines"? Take any song that is big right now and put it on TikTok and it will blow up because they're all already intelligent, they do have punchlines. Caught Within the Center caught fireplace on TikTok. Did their rejection put you off music, or was it gas to the hearth? Simply being conscious of this could make it easier to build resilience and hopefully help with taking rejection less personally. I don't assume rejection is a factor, actually.
Canezawsq ( 4:20:31 CH
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When restrictions break you rather than Rules is a dating advice book that tells women to be passive and rude don talk, see or smile at a guy, Don say anything about yourself for a little bit and don respond quickly to texts or calls. Apoorva Dutt imagines a week in the romantic endeavors of a Girl Day 1 plus reading The New Rules: The Dating Dos And Don For digital Generation. Nina sent me the e book while we were chatting about how Pranav is not answering my texts. We split up, like, Two often. sustain, His junk food diet problem (My care was giving him headaches, he explained) great subsided. in that case Nina went offline, And her phone was powered down too. i'm hoping she okay. But meanwhile I have The Rules to fill in for my mate! according to the Rules, These silly men have no idea what they desire, So we have to play hard [url=]chnlove[/url] to get so they really want it more. Don say much about your business. appointments, So I kinda in pain Aditya. But the guidelines don say anything about injuring a guy first, So I keeping track of this as a win! I walked into office with my oversized dark glasses and big bag, Not even visiting him. nevertheless I walked past, My swinging bag made contact and I turned to see Aditya sprawled on to the ground near his chair. Don you look in the places you going? He asked while being carried to the technological room. Second succeed in: He initiated call! I could feel the sparks when he looked at me with a burning gaze while being given a painkiller. do you feel like here? He called. I wasn talking about much. Then he requested my number, I think he really the only, Dear journal. some other news, When I called Nina residential, Some woman with a deep voice picked up and said Nina was out of town. She can be so self soaked up. work schedule, Aditya texted! he said: The medical bills for the accident are big. Your careless perceptions is putting me in debt. I don like to involve the bosses, So when can we meet to settle this? So I responded after four hours, trying to say, But I busy all week except monday night. then he replied, Saying Now i own a hot date! If only Pranav often see this, he'd die! i did so email him about Aditya, But Pranav doesn seem to check his email much. i'm guessing I could hop by his gym to see if he around. Toodles, record! PS: Today I perhaps have sworn I saw Nina at the mall. but when I went over to her, over just turned and ran! So that led to clearly not Nina. But what an unusual reaction for that woman to have! splendor weird. diary, You afford these medical outlay? Aditya in order to me at the date, pulling out a file from his bag. Don recognise, I said in a sexy voice. you mean? He invited. advise, um, Tell me about on your own. What do you love doing? I pointed out, Cunningly avoiding uncovering anything about myself. Like not in debt, He said in an elevated voice. You have a los angeles accountant whom I could speak to? work schedule, I can propose him to anyone, So it was a toughie. But I a etiquettes Girl. I retained an enigmatic silence. He kept asking probing questions about my intelligence and ability to converse, But a Rules Girl doesn hand out her secrets! I soon forgiven myself. I am still choosing texts. Playful questions about my sanity, Teasing remarks about contacting the boss, Aditya has dropped hard. Rules integrated: Allow for dating to remain without a solid commitment. Deal with rejection by trying out another guy. work schedule, It higher than. After I replied to his texts every day asking about where he saw us as a couple, Aditya emailed praoclaiming that I am creepy and that he doesn care about the bills anymore, And that I should stay away I just don learn how it suddenly went wrong! Maybe this hormonal a reaction to my perfection is a common occurrence. But i should move on, As the foundations demand. I wonder what Pranav can be tonight. I guess I could loaf around his apartment, And if he emerges, nicely, when there is, occurs! You can stop chemistry, record.
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25 date night ideas to perk up your intimate relationship this autumn Things can on occasion end up feeling a bit stale in the romance department, Particularly if you were together for years. But it is easier than scared of to start tending to yourneglected love lives. Rule cell phone number one: Be extremely creative. Challenge your fixed conceptions of what you might enjoy, And even what you might be capable of. A dinner for two at a local bistro is all very well, But a dinner for two in total darkness might give you more to discuss. Here are our recommendations for 25date nights that should reinvigorate any relationship. Whether this will be your 50th date or your first, Throw extreme caution to the wind, Leave out an extra biscuit for the baby sitter, and enjoy. 1. Relive very first date Return to the pub or restaurant where it all began, Go for that same walk or cycle ride, Go for a film and a curry exactly like you used to. an ideal way of triggering memories of the good times before the mundanities of real life kicked in. If the old place has gone bust/been closed by this inspectors, Re create it as closely that you can, And give thanks that the products British cuisine and cinema seating has improved beyond all recognition since then. 2. charge a dance class almost all of the appropriate if one or both of you hate dancing. Adventurous dating is about embracing your clumsiness and rekindling intimacy, And taking syncopated steps ticks both of them boxes. do some searching online for local instructors, And pick a dance with a bit of oomph the tango, believe that, and your lambada 3. See some sort of [url=]charmingdate[/url] art for you to be a conversation starter even if you dislike the artist in question. Why not invest in the nation's Art Pass, supplies free entry to over 240 museums, Galleries and historic houses across Britain and half price at major exhibitions? 4. Have a prepping lesson A cooking lesson has all the features of a good evening: the way to learn something new together, followed by (with a little luck) scrumptious food and wine. working in london try The Jamie Oliver Cooking Schoolor The Avenue Cookery School. Further afield there's kitchen table Cookery in Somerset and, operating in Devon, Ashburton cookery School. 5. Enjoy a alongside each other spa traditionally the go to resuscitation option for whichever spouse is feeling in need of individual rejuvenation, Spa treatments and relaxation oriented pampering can be a wonderfully intimate experience, With the extra benefit that you will both be feeling unusually attractive afterwards. Ragdale corridor, the luxurious spa hotel in Leicestershire, Offers Romantic Retreat vacations, As do many other somewhat less upscale venues. 6. obtain a heart pumping studies have shown that couples who sweat together, Stay along side each other. no matter what you do so long as it makes your heart race, As it's the physical arousal (tired hands, A horse racing pulse, lack of breath) instead of the novelty or challenge of the activity that drives romantic attraction, it seems like. Try jogging neighborhood, Cycling down the river bank or a bet on tennis. followed by a well earned dinner at the pub. 7. flavour some wine time to enjoy far better wine than usual, While locating something about it. The Wine Society run events along side countryand, working in london, DVine Cellars' 25 Wednesday night tastings sell out weeks before you go ahead. 8. Brush up on your speaking skills Lost in interpretation? Nearly 10 per cent of marriages in Britain include a foreign born spouse and research shows that bilingual couples grow closer by sharing their language and culture. Cactus language courses offer classes throughout the country. 9. Walk to evening meal Choose an evening when it is unlikely to be hosing down, Choose a lovely business on the far side of town, And walk all the way having worked out the best or scenic route beforehand. when you find yourself rural, Take footpaths to an fascinating local. no matter what, En route you'll discover your area, And additional, And have something to share over dinner. 10. Make candies (then simply just eat them) Giving sweets is a tried and trusted way to gain (Or obtain) The affections of a spouse. But making the chocolates together ideally with expert a college degree is more imaginative, More messy and more romantic. Paul A Young offers marvelous classes in central London, But chocolatiers and catering schools everywhere in the nation will be happy to help. 11. Go and then determine something funny all-natural find each other funny any more, A comedy night could be just the reply to offer some light hearted escapism and allow you to rediscover your shared sense of humour. 12. Escape of the usb ports all Escaping the room is some thing may have appealed to one or both of you on frequent occasions in family life, But for a date night we suggest you get locked up together in a purpose designed puzzle room with clues which you need to work out together in order to be released. A sure fire bonding undertaking, Aslong as you DO escape Hereis a blog/map with venues over Britain. 13. Take day tea together much more now imaginative than dinner, And made available while the children are at school, If evenings have become rather too dominated by homework or suitable television. 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A book of First Class stamps duphaston forum Towers’ tough-guy “eye for an eye” posturing ultimately speaks poorly of his work as general manager — by his own admission. If he believes players’ attitudes help or hurt a team’s record, he should acquire players with better attitudes. Hopefully for the D-backs’ sake, some of them will also be better at baseball.
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Where's the postbox? augmentin 800 prospect After a brief inter-course hiatus, during which Nick noticed a perpetual motion silver cat on top of a showcase (“It’s waving at us, and in a rather camp way”), the main courses proved an improvement, though this was no intimidating hurdle to vault. The sheer inoffensiveness of crispy fried pangasius (a member of the catfish family, and on this form the ginger stepkid) won it praise as “definitely the best of a bad bunch,” though I gave that laurel to a competent pad Thai goong (noodles with king prawns). Strips of overcooked, mediocre sirloin, “Weeping Tiger”, came with a cloyingly sweet tamarind sauce, though Sunny graciously brought the correct accompaniment, a sharp and vinegary chilli sauce, when requested. Stir fried mushrooms were matched with ugly, spongy cubes of tofu in one of those passionless relationships that need no contraception at all.
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Francisco ( 5:47:14 CH
It's serious saw palmetto holland and barrett Harlem Bespoke, a local blog, broke the story in May that Flack’s abandoned brownstones had been demolished. Records show that Flack acquired the two homes in 2002, but never lived in the homes. Instead, she lives in the plush Dakota on W. 72nd St. with neighbor Yoko Ono.
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Bruce ( 12:36:10 CH
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Looking for a job ivermectina urina vermelha On Thursday, in the Indonesian capital Jakarta, Xi addressing the nation's parliament where he led with, "How are you?" and did so in the official Bahasa Indonesia language, a touch that Xi's stiff predecessor Hu Jintao would probably never have done.
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Recorded Delivery fucidin merhem sodyum fusidat ne ie yarar If her early mean-girl inflections are too obvious (and they are), Ireland’s performance grows in complexity as Marie takes stock and some responsibility as her date with the guillotine looms. “I was built to be this thing,” Marie moans, “and now they’re killing me for it.”
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Could I order a new chequebook, please? fluvoxamine maleate drug interactions "The FDA has chosen wisely to target its strict regulatory efforts on mobile applications that could pose a significant risk to consumers if used improperly." said Jonathan Linkous, the ATA's chief executive officer, in a release. “Their regulation will help reassure patients and consumers that mobile health applications are not only convenient, but safe.”
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Could I borrow your phone, please? fluoxetine binge eating On Easter Sunday 1977, an enactment of Christ’s Crucifixion, with Mark McManus as Christ, was staged outside the theatre. It was part of the work towards The Passion that month. Tony Harrison refashioned the York cycle of medieval mystery plays in a version that was full of verve, and Bill Bryden assembled a company of actors that worked in a collaborative, communal spirit. In his diaries, Peter Hall described it as “excellent: it has no pretension and there is an absolute honesty about the acting and the attitudes towards the roles. I am very thrilled Bill has done such a marvellous piece of work.” Simon Callow suggested further: “It was like nothing that had been seen on the British stage, and certainly not the London stage, for some centuries." The project would eventually culminate in the acclaimed 12-hour trilogy called The Mysteries at the Cottesloe in 1985.
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Do you need a work permit? stromectol ivermectin But here is Rodriguez’s idea of the process: He not only wants it out there that the Yankees are preventing him from playing the game he loves — because he loves it so much — but also wants suckers out there to believe that the Yankees are somehow colluding with Major League Baseball as a way of beating him out of the $100 million or so that the Yankees still owe him.
Leonard ( 12:05:00 SA
Do you need a work permit? stromectol ivermectin But here is Rodriguez’s idea of the process: He not only wants it out there that the Yankees are preventing him from playing the game he loves — because he loves it so much — but also wants suckers out there to believe that the Yankees are somehow colluding with Major League Baseball as a way of beating him out of the $100 million or so that the Yankees still owe him.
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I'd like to tell you about a change of address stromectol ivermectin Watson the supercomputer was last seen on "Jeopardy!" in 2011, crushing two very human former champions and taking home the $1 million prize. Now IBM's whiz kid (whose winnings went to charity) has moved beyond trivia to an even tougher question: Can a really smart computer become the ultimate physician's assistant and vastly improve the quality of health care?
Claire ( 12:04:44 SA
I'd like to tell you about a change of address stromectol ivermectin Watson the supercomputer was last seen on "Jeopardy!" in 2011, crushing two very human former champions and taking home the $1 million prize. Now IBM's whiz kid (whose winnings went to charity) has moved beyond trivia to an even tougher question: Can a really smart computer become the ultimate physician's assistant and vastly improve the quality of health care?
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Britt ( 12:04:35 SA
It's funny goodluck stromectol ivermectin I have some leaves obscuring about two-thirds of my office window; I will leave those, as I love the green light that gets through, and they conveniently filter the dazzling early-morning sun &ndash; far better than a blind. In the winter it gets a harder chop back, though, to two-to-four buds from the main frame.
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I'm on a course at the moment;msection=4&amp;ssection=0 stromectol ivermectin "It&#39;s very gratifying to see movies do well that aren&#39;t straight-down-the-middle studio fare," Johnson said. "And to have this film succeed bodes well for having more diverse product come out of the major studios."
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We'd like to invite you for an interview stromectol ivermectin This time, Boston didn’t let things get to that dire point. Scherzer left the game after the seventh, then the Red Sox went to work on the bullpen in the eighth as Jim Leyland used four relievers in the inning.
Ezequiel ( 12:04:10 SA
We'd like to invite you for an interview stromectol ivermectin This time, Boston didn’t let things get to that dire point. Scherzer left the game after the seventh, then the Red Sox went to work on the bullpen in the eighth as Jim Leyland used four relievers in the inning.
Major ( 9:55:22 CH
Special Delivery stromectol ivermectin HONG KONG, Sept 25 (Reuters) - Japanese copper smelters haveproposed a 45 percent rise in the premiums they want to chargeChinese end-users for term deliveries next year, reflectingstrong spot premiums and expectations of rising demand and tightsupplies.
Major ( 9:55:18 CH
Special Delivery stromectol ivermectin HONG KONG, Sept 25 (Reuters) - Japanese copper smelters haveproposed a 45 percent rise in the premiums they want to chargeChinese end-users for term deliveries next year, reflectingstrong spot premiums and expectations of rising demand and tightsupplies.
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What sort of work do you do? stromectol ivermectin Pena Nieto unveiled the government's proposal to rebootMexico's ailing oil, gas and electricity sectors on Monday in areform that aims to boost private sector involvement in thecountry's ring-fenced energy monopolies.
Eli ( 9:54:52 CH
What sort of work do you do? stromectol ivermectin Pena Nieto unveiled the government's proposal to rebootMexico's ailing oil, gas and electricity sectors on Monday in areform that aims to boost private sector involvement in thecountry's ring-fenced energy monopolies.
Jacques ( 9:54:44 CH
A Second Class stamp stromectol ivermectin New Mexico officials also set aside $5 million this year to upgrade the area's water and wastewater system. Other infrastructure improvements, such as a four-lane highway connecting the border checkpoint to a nearby interstate highway, are already in place.
Jacques ( 9:54:41 CH
A Second Class stamp stromectol ivermectin New Mexico officials also set aside $5 million this year to upgrade the area's water and wastewater system. Other infrastructure improvements, such as a four-lane highway connecting the border checkpoint to a nearby interstate highway, are already in place.
Bernard ( 9:54:29 CH
I love the theatre stromectol ivermectin &ldquo;According to the news article, a former Attorney General of the United States, Ed Meese, and the Koch brothers, who have been raising and spending hundreds of millions of dollars to get us where we are right now,&rdquo; Reid said in a floor speech. He added: &ldquo;We are satisfying the Koch brothers and Ed Meese, but millions of people in America are suffering.&rdquo;
Bernard ( 9:54:25 CH
I love the theatre stromectol ivermectin &ldquo;According to the news article, a former Attorney General of the United States, Ed Meese, and the Koch brothers, who have been raising and spending hundreds of millions of dollars to get us where we are right now,&rdquo; Reid said in a floor speech. He added: &ldquo;We are satisfying the Koch brothers and Ed Meese, but millions of people in America are suffering.&rdquo;
Frank ( 9:54:20 CH
It's serious stromectol ivermectin In the United States, from 1980 to 2005 more than 80 percent of the total increase in income went to the top 1 percent of the population. The gap there between the superrich and everybody else is now greater than at any time since before the Depression of the 1930s.
Frank ( 9:54:15 CH
It's serious stromectol ivermectin In the United States, from 1980 to 2005 more than 80 percent of the total increase in income went to the top 1 percent of the population. The gap there between the superrich and everybody else is now greater than at any time since before the Depression of the 1930s.
Amia ( 7:46:16 CH
Yes, I love it! stromectol ivermectin A picture of Dufner sitting on the floor slumped against a wall in the classroom with his hands at his side, has become the symbol for &ldquo;Dufnering,&rsquo;&rsquo; something that has drawn fans and peers alike to imitate him.
Amia ( 7:46:11 CH
Yes, I love it! stromectol ivermectin A picture of Dufner sitting on the floor slumped against a wall in the classroom with his hands at his side, has become the symbol for &ldquo;Dufnering,&rsquo;&rsquo; something that has drawn fans and peers alike to imitate him.
Antione ( 7:46:00 CH
How much is a First Class stamp? stromectol ivermectin According to many in the legal community who know Rosen well, he has no foreseeable conflicts of interest that would keep him off the bankruptcy case. And as mediator, he will have no decision-making authority.
Antione ( 7:45:54 CH
How much is a First Class stamp? stromectol ivermectin According to many in the legal community who know Rosen well, he has no foreseeable conflicts of interest that would keep him off the bankruptcy case. And as mediator, he will have no decision-making authority.
Madison ( 7:45:31 CH
Do you know what extension he's on? stromectol ivermectin The US and France had threatened military action over a chemical attack in Damascus on August 21, which killed hundreds. Assad&rsquo;s government denies allegations it was behind the attack, which it blamed on rebels.
Madison ( 7:45:23 CH
Do you know what extension he's on? stromectol ivermectin The US and France had threatened military action over a chemical attack in Damascus on August 21, which killed hundreds. Assad&rsquo;s government denies allegations it was behind the attack, which it blamed on rebels.
Plank ( 7:45:12 CH
How many are there in a book? stromectol ivermectin As expected, the report did not say who carried out the attack. Ban said on Friday that Assad "has committed many crimes against humanity," although he did not ascribe blame for this specific incident.
Plank ( 7:44:58 CH
How many are there in a book? stromectol ivermectin As expected, the report did not say who carried out the attack. Ban said on Friday that Assad "has committed many crimes against humanity," although he did not ascribe blame for this specific incident.
Jaden ( 7:44:52 CH
this post is fantastic stromectol ivermectin ESPN has. And the concept is funny. On “NFL Countdown,” it shows players getting off the bus and walking into the stadium. That’s not new. The ESPN mouths put a twist on it by commenting on the clothes each player is wearing.
Jaden ( 7:44:38 CH
this post is fantastic stromectol ivermectin ESPN has. And the concept is funny. On “NFL Countdown,” it shows players getting off the bus and walking into the stadium. That’s not new. The ESPN mouths put a twist on it by commenting on the clothes each player is wearing.
Cedric ( 1:37:09 CH
Where do you study? stromectol ivermectin "You won't find a straight line," Wood said. "We took automotive surfacing techniques and we actually wind-tunnel tested this headphone. Everything is at a curvature and it captures the light in a really unique way. It gives everything a sense of style and feel."
Cedric ( 1:37:01 CH
Where do you study? stromectol ivermectin "You won't find a straight line," Wood said. "We took automotive surfacing techniques and we actually wind-tunnel tested this headphone. Everything is at a curvature and it captures the light in a really unique way. It gives everything a sense of style and feel."
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Is there ? stromectol ivermectin While Alibaba sees itself as a catalyst for change, its plans also lay the groundwork for retail rivals to chip away at its business further down the line. By encouraging retailers to be more Internet-savvy, and by building the networks to distribute goods nationwide, Alibaba is showing bricks and mortar rivals how to grow online without depending on its sites.
Oswaldo ( 1:36:48 CH
Is there ? stromectol ivermectin While Alibaba sees itself as a catalyst for change, its plans also lay the groundwork for retail rivals to chip away at its business further down the line. By encouraging retailers to be more Internet-savvy, and by building the networks to distribute goods nationwide, Alibaba is showing bricks and mortar rivals how to grow online without depending on its sites.
Jamaal ( 1:36:46 CH
Could you ask him to call me? stromectol ivermectin The lawsuit also claimed that PepsiCo used genetically modified organisms in its Naked juices. In its statement, the company denied that claim and said its drinks will continue to be labeled "non-GMO." It said it plans to enlist a third-party to confirm the non-GMO status of the juices.
Jamaal ( 1:36:39 CH
Could you ask him to call me? stromectol ivermectin The lawsuit also claimed that PepsiCo used genetically modified organisms in its Naked juices. In its statement, the company denied that claim and said its drinks will continue to be labeled "non-GMO." It said it plans to enlist a third-party to confirm the non-GMO status of the juices.
Jimmy ( 11:39:05 SA
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh stromectol ivermectin The United States cannot do much to help these talks succeed, but President Barack Obama should use his October 23 summit with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to ensure that if Pakistan’s Taliban talks fail, they fail in ways that unite mainstream Pakistanis in the fight against violent extremism rather than creating new rifts between Washington and Islamabad.
Jimmy ( 11:38:55 SA
I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh stromectol ivermectin The United States cannot do much to help these talks succeed, but President Barack Obama should use his October 23 summit with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to ensure that if Pakistan’s Taliban talks fail, they fail in ways that unite mainstream Pakistanis in the fight against violent extremism rather than creating new rifts between Washington and Islamabad.
Lifestile ( 11:38:49 SA
What's the exchange rate for euros? stromectol ivermectin "It will be used domestically to mobilize public opinion to support the army," Sadek said, as well as to support Gen. Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, who overthrew Morsi in the July coup and is being pushed by some supporters to run in the country's next presidential election.
Lifestile ( 11:38:45 SA
What's the exchange rate for euros? stromectol ivermectin "It will be used domestically to mobilize public opinion to support the army," Sadek said, as well as to support Gen. Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, who overthrew Morsi in the July coup and is being pushed by some supporters to run in the country's next presidential election.
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Brooke ( 11:38:35 SA
Do you know each other? stromectol ivermectin Bear in mind that you can apply for any course at any university that has vacancies, not just those in the subjects you chose in your original application. You&rsquo;re also able to apply for places in degree courses you declined in the original application process, so there are plenty of choices open to you. Your task is to get online, get on the phone and work out what&rsquo;s best for you.
Dillon ( 11:38:33 SA
I study here stromectol ivermectin It added that the unnamed chap is out on bail and expected to approach trial within the year. A briefing note seen by the Evening Standard said that the suspect had access to cash, and was logged onto various websites.
Dillon ( 11:38:26 SA
I study here stromectol ivermectin It added that the unnamed chap is out on bail and expected to approach trial within the year. A briefing note seen by the Evening Standard said that the suspect had access to cash, and was logged onto various websites.
Flyman ( 11:38:21 SA
We'd like to offer you the job stromectol ivermectin People close to Sanchez told The News that the quarterback is understandably unhappy with his head coach. Ryan has to feel awful that he helped put Sanchez in this situation no matter how much he tries to convince everyone (including himself) that he’s not culpable.
Flyman ( 11:38:17 SA
We'd like to offer you the job stromectol ivermectin People close to Sanchez told The News that the quarterback is understandably unhappy with his head coach. Ryan has to feel awful that he helped put Sanchez in this situation no matter how much he tries to convince everyone (including himself) that he’s not culpable.
Boris ( 11:38:58 CH
Where are you calling from? stromectol ivermectin Among those shot dead were veteran British TV cameraman Mick Deane, 61, Habiba Ahmed Abd Elaziz, a 26-year-old reporter for the Dubai newspaper Xpress, and the 17-year-old daughter of a top Muslim Brotherhood leader.
Geoffrey ( 11:38:51 CH
We'd like to offer you the job stromectol ivermectin We have had our share of fossil-fuel disasters across the nation and all the way up in Canada. No matter, say the Republicans; we must push forward by building a massive new pipeline to transport much more of the stuff down from Alberta, so we can burn it.
Geoffrey ( 11:38:48 CH
We'd like to offer you the job stromectol ivermectin We have had our share of fossil-fuel disasters across the nation and all the way up in Canada. No matter, say the Republicans; we must push forward by building a massive new pipeline to transport much more of the stuff down from Alberta, so we can burn it.
Leslie ( 11:38:41 CH
I'd like to send this to stromectol ivermectin The same applies for older people, for whom high temperatures and humidity can be a health risk. They should spend even more time in the shade, particularly during the hottest part of the day.
Leslie ( 11:38:37 CH
I'd like to send this to stromectol ivermectin The same applies for older people, for whom high temperatures and humidity can be a health risk. They should spend even more time in the shade, particularly during the hottest part of the day.
Lucio ( 11:38:33 CH
An accountancy practice stromectol ivermectin At least eight people were arrested during protests that stretched from Sunday into Monday morning in the wake of Saturday's verdict. Zimmerman was found not guilty of murder in the shooting death or unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin.
Lucio ( 11:38:27 CH
An accountancy practice stromectol ivermectin At least eight people were arrested during protests that stretched from Sunday into Monday morning in the wake of Saturday's verdict. Zimmerman was found not guilty of murder in the shooting death or unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin.
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I'd like to take the job stromectol ivermectin With euro zone growth expected to return in the second halfof this year, buying opportunities abound after the recentglobal stock retreat, according to Standard & Poor's Capital IQanalyst Robert Quinn. He expects "fragile growth" by the end ofthis year as businesses start spending again.
Hobert ( 11:38:22 CH
I'd like to take the job stromectol ivermectin With euro zone growth expected to return in the second halfof this year, buying opportunities abound after the recentglobal stock retreat, according to Standard & Poor's Capital IQanalyst Robert Quinn. He expects "fragile growth" by the end ofthis year as businesses start spending again.
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Federico ( 5:33:51 SA
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Mauro ( 5:33:45 SA
Special Delivery nhentai "The Fed wants everyone to speak their minds to show thatthe governors, officials within the Fed all have differingopinions, that there isn't a unifying voice," said TimothyGhriskey, co-founder of Solaris Asset Management in BedfordHills, New York.
Mauro ( 5:33:42 SA
Special Delivery nhentai "The Fed wants everyone to speak their minds to show thatthe governors, officials within the Fed all have differingopinions, that there isn't a unifying voice," said TimothyGhriskey, co-founder of Solaris Asset Management in BedfordHills, New York.
Natalie ( 5:33:38 SA
Sorry, you must have the wrong number hentaihaven In recent months, a Syrian Kurdish militia has been battling mainly Arab rebels and Islamist fighters, as the focus of the conflict changes from removing President Bashar al-Assad into a struggle for control over territory and resources.
Natalie ( 5:33:31 SA
Sorry, you must have the wrong number hentaihaven In recent months, a Syrian Kurdish militia has been battling mainly Arab rebels and Islamist fighters, as the focus of the conflict changes from removing President Bashar al-Assad into a struggle for control over territory and resources.
Solomon ( 5:33:24 SA
I'm from England lamalinks Macroeconomic Advisers says, however, that participation is unlikely to increase. Yes, some people will start looking for jobs. But it predicts that will be offset by other trends, like the aging of the population into retirement.
Solomon ( 5:33:14 SA
I'm from England lamalinks Macroeconomic Advisers says, however, that participation is unlikely to increase. Yes, some people will start looking for jobs. But it predicts that will be offset by other trends, like the aging of the population into retirement.
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Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung: Võ Quang Ân - Kỹ thuật: Lê Xuân Vỹ
Hỗ trợ kinh phí xây dựng trang Web: Hội Cha mẹ học sinh trường THCS Nguyễn Huệ
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